Finally leaving the Luddite ages for a smartphone. I can actually see the screen! And read it! In the blog intro I talk about storing label pics on the blog well now I can store them on the phone. This totally streamlines the process of keeping this blog updated.
NonLuddites are screaming, No Duh! at me. But others who have yet to put away their tin cans with strings are more understanding.
I cannot say that my wine knowledge has increased much in the intervening years but my palate has gotten pickier. My pocketbook has not kept up. I have moved back to include craft beers and ciders. I have added cheeses, good cheeses to my retinue.
I can give up meat in my diet but I do not want to give up the great (and confessions to be made: even not so great) cheeses. I know health films have reminded us that, like cake mixes which have so many parts per whatever of rat and bug pieces, milk has so much cow pus which in cheese terms is described as "coagulated cowpus."
I am good with that. Most of the time. The other times it keeps me from overeating. That's a win win.